I wanted to create this blog long time ago but never had the chance since awhile. It is actually I want to share anything good about wellness that I know and understand. Why? Because I am serious with my health or at least realize on how importance to stay fit or healthy. How about your family, you beloved ones or people surrounding you or do you care for them or at least for yourself? If so let them know what you know or what you have as I am at least fulfill a social responsibility here.
illustration courtesy of
healthier Scotland |
There are bunch of information about health, wellness, medical industries, anywhere such as from internet, tv, radio, medias also from medical industries itself. Then it is up to us to get it understand, analyse the info if it is true fact or fraud and so to practice or believe it. Nowadays the flowing information is separated by true fact or fraud, like anyone can put anything on the net but it is on our responsibility to check it, despite digest it straight. I highly recommend if you find anything, it is better to check the source or make a reference to trusted or authorized party as in other hand, it is best to get second opinion.
If you serious with your and family wellness, do not just staring to this square glowing screen.